Tag Archives: cavities

Chemotherapy in dentistry

How does chemotherapy affect the mouth?

Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to treat cancer. These drugs kill cancer cells, but they may also harm normal cells, including cells in the mouth. Side effects include problems with your teeth and gums; the soft, moist lining of your mouth; and the glands that make saliva (spit). Continue reading

How Does Smoking Affect Your Gums Part 2

Continued from Part 1

Smoking Cessation and Recovery

© smoking-quit.info

Smoking cessation is an essential component for the successful treatment of periodontal disease as there is little rationale for treating periodontitis without eliminating one of the major causes of the disease. Thus, there is also the question of whether periodontal surgical treatment is indicated without a commitment by the patient to quit smoking. As with other smoking diseases, cessation is only the first step of a long healing process where the smoker often does not approach the lower risk of the nonsmoker for 10 to 20 years.

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How to Use a Fluoride Rinse

© Extraordinary Uses Blog

Fluoride rinsesare one of the many ways fluoride can be delivered to our teeth to prevent cavities. Studies on fluoride rinses have been made and in general, fluoride rinses resulted in significant cavities reduction of about 30 to 35%. On the basis of these findings, the simplicity of administration, and the lack of need for professional dental supervision, weekly fluoride-rinse programs in schools are becoming increasingly popular and are being aggressively promoted by dental public-health agencies. Fluoride rinses were approved as safe and effective by the FDA in 1974 and by the Council of Dental Therapeutics of the ADA in 1975. Continue reading

How to Rinse to Remove Plaque

© navandentalclinic.com

Tooth brushing is generally effective in removing food debris and plaque on our teeth. However there are certain sites and conditions inside the mouth that could not be cleaned merely by toothbrushing alone. Therefore other plaque removal methods and devices should be utilized other than toothbrushing in our oral hygiene regime, which includes rinsing. Continue reading

Dental Exam and Cleaning

© get-health-smart.com

First time visiting a dentist and feeling anxious about what he/she will be doing during your first appointment? This article will briefly outline the basic procedures normally done by the dental professional on your first visit to the dental office. Continue reading

How to Determine if a Filling is Needed

© clarksvilledentalcenter.com

Our teeth are constantly being attacked by acid produced by plaque bacteria as well as by the acidic foods and drinks we consumed. Acids cause damage below the tooth surface, causing microscopic holes in the tooth. If the acid damage continues over a period of time, the tooth becomes so fragile that a hole or pitting becomes visible in the tooth. As the hole gets bigger, the tooth will need a filling. Continue reading

Basic Dental Instruments

© ct.gov

Whenever you visit a dentist, you tend to notice the many different dental tools that are laid down beside the chair. A dental professional uses a variety of dental equipment for examining, cleaning, cutting and restoring teeth. Not many are familiar with these instruments therefore here is a quick guide on the basic dental instruments available in a dental office and their usage. Continue reading

How Neem Works

In the old days the people in India did not use neem toothpaste. They used neem toothbrushes instead. Chewing on a neem twig has for many centuries been the commonly preferred way to prevent gum disease and maintain healthy teeth. These rural people had never used a “real” toothbrush, didn’t know Crest or Colgate, yet they had perfect teeth. A perfect natural solution. Researchers believe the tradition of using neem twigs for dental care has helped Indian villagers to avoid cavities and tooth loss, although they have no access to modern dental care facilities or products. Continue reading

Foods for Good Teeth and Gums Part 2

© eggnutritioncenter.org

Some individuals, with a particular behavior, medical problem or relevant biological factor are of particular risk to cavities because of dietary factors.

Who Needs Diet Guidance Cavities Prevention

Dietary education and guidance are important for the prevention and control of tooth decay. Since tooth decay is a multifactorial disease the relationship is not simple. It cannot be said that all in a particular group will have problems with cavities but should be taken note by dental professionals. Continue reading

Foods for Good Teeth and Gums Part 1

Diet, nutrition and oral health are closely linked. Nutrition is an essential for the growth, development, and maintenance of structures and tissues in the mouth. During periods of rapid cell growth, there can be an irreversible effect on the developing oral tissues if any nutrition deficiency is present. Prior to tooth eruption in the mouth, nutritional status can influence tooth enamel maturation and chemical composition as well as tooth shape and size. Early malnutrition increases a child’s risk to tooth decay in the baby teeth.Throughout life, nutritional deficiencies or toxicities can affect host resistance, healing, oral function, and oral-tissue integrity. Continue reading