Category Archives: Dental Care Gum

Causes of Gum Swellings and Lumps Part1

Swollen Gums ©

Swollen Gums ©

Lumps and swelling in the mouth is common and easily detected by our tongue. Most would choose to ignore them but some would examine their mouths out of curiosity and some through fear (perhaps of the thought of ‘mouth cancer’). Many different conditions may present as oral lumps and swellings so try not to jump into any conclusions until you get a confirmation from your dentist.

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Causes of Red, White or Pigmented Gums

Healthy gums ©

Healthy gums ©

Healthy gums are firm, pale pink, scalloped around each tooth with sharp knife edge ends in between the adjacent teeth. Although “coral pink” or “salmon pink” is the color indication for healthy gums in textbooks, racial pigmentation caused by melanin can make the gums appear darker. Mainly seen in African or Asian heritage, it can be seen in individuals of Mediterranean descent or even sometimes in light-skinned people. Due to the fact that gum color can vary between people, the uniformity of color is of more importance than the actual color itself. However if your gums are in other colors like red, white or black, they can indicate gum inflammation (gingivitis) or pathology. Continue reading

All about gum disease Part 2

f) Periodontal abscess

acute periodontal abscess.Image taken from

Periodontal abscess.Image taken from

Periodontal abscess always happen in people who have existing periodontitis that is advanced enough to have resulted in some loss of bone around the root of the tooth. While abscesses usually spontaneously occur in patients with untreated periodontitis, it is more common in periodontitis patients with a systemic disease such as diabetes. Sometimes, severe periodontal infection can spread under lower jaw and down into neck.

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All about gum disease Part 1

What is gum disease?

Gum disease is the disorders of supporting tissue of teeth which will result in ultimate tooth loss if left untreated, but there are several ways to both treat and prevent them. It can be divided into two major stages: gingivitis (gingival disease) and periodontitis (periodontal disease).

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Causes of Sore Gums

19619Have you ever experienced having sore gums whereby your gums feel swollen or painful? Ever notice having red, white or black gums? The gums can be sore or pigmented for a number of reasons and this article is to discuss about the many factors behind it. The article will be split into parts according to common complaints for easy reading. Continue reading

Know more about Gum Disease

Gum disease    Picture courtesy of

Gum disease is also known as periodontal disease. Periodontal means around a tooth. Any disease involving supporting tissues and bone around a tooth is called periodontal disease. There are 2 stages of gum disease, namely gingivitis and periodontitis. Gum disease can affect anyone including children. Continue reading