Tag Archives: Gingiva

Top 5 Early Signs of Gingivitis

Picture 1: healthy gingiva which is pink, firm, and have knife edges at the neck of the teeth, with mild plaque accumulation

Gingivitis is more commonly known as the inflammation of the gums. The gums are also clinically known as gingiva, hence the term gingivitis. Generally, healthy gums are pink in colour, firm, and do not bleed while brushing. However, it is almost impossible to maintain perfectly healthy gums as gingivitis it is caused by plaque (a thin biofilm of bacteria) that is adhering to our teeth. Plaque can be removed through brushing, but, they are formed again once the brushing stops.  Usually, there is no need to worry about our gum’s health as long as a good brushing regimen is maintained (which is twice daily), however, it does have the potential to evolve into something more destructive, which is known as periodontitis. Continue reading

All about gum disease Part 2

f) Periodontal abscess

acute periodontal abscess.Image taken from http://www.dent.ucla.edu/pic/pic/members/antibiotics/abscess/abscess.html

Periodontal abscess.Image taken from http://www.dent.ucla.edu/pic/pic/members/antibiotics/abscess/abscess.html

Periodontal abscess always happen in people who have existing periodontitis that is advanced enough to have resulted in some loss of bone around the root of the tooth. While abscesses usually spontaneously occur in patients with untreated periodontitis, it is more common in periodontitis patients with a systemic disease such as diabetes. Sometimes, severe periodontal infection can spread under lower jaw and down into neck.

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All about gum disease Part 1

What is gum disease?

Gum disease is the disorders of supporting tissue of teeth which will result in ultimate tooth loss if left untreated, but there are several ways to both treat and prevent them. It can be divided into two major stages: gingivitis (gingival disease) and periodontitis (periodontal disease).

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