Children’s first baby tooth would erupt at the age of 5-6 months. Some babies differ by six months to a year and it is normal. There are some dental problems in toddlers which many of us should take note for a developing child. Continue reading
Tag Archives: crooked teeth
How to Tell If Your Wisdom Teeth Are Coming In
What is a wisdom tooth?
A person’s dentition comprises of a set of 32 healthy teeth. There are three molar tooth on each quadrant situated furthest back in the mouth used for chewing food making it 36 in total. Wisdom tooth is an individual’s third molar. The third molars erupt behind the second molars. The eruption process takes place around 18-24 years of age hence the name but can also erupt at a later age or remain absent. Incidence of at least one impacted wisdom tooth is high. They are classified according to their alignment in the jaw as horizontal, vertical, mesioangular or distoangular. Early detection of wisdom tooth impaction can be done with an X-ray taken periodically to evaluate the position of the tooth. Even in absence of any problem, early removal is recommended to avoid further problems in future as the roots are not fully formed and bone is less dense. Healing time and recovery is delayed in older individuals. Your dentist will apply pressure around the gumline to determine is the tooth is coming in successfully. Continue reading
Shark Teeth in Children
Have you ever seen permanent tooth coming in behind baby tooth in children? Is this a normal situation? Many parents become panic when this happens and the child is stressed unnecessarily. We sometimes called this condition as “Shark teethâ€. It is simply when the permanent tooth comes in before the baby (milk) tooth is shed.
What is shark teeth?
It is a common situation during two periods in a child’s development. First, when the child turns 6 years old and the permanent lower incisors erupt behind the baby tooth and then the upper back molars appear when the child is around 11 years old. Some kids develop two rows of teeth or seen in pairs at times. These can appear very unsightly. It earns its name from sharks as they have double row of teeth. Continue reading
Pros and Cons of Invisalign Braces
Invisalign – The Ultimate Choice
Seeking a beautiful smile but metal braces seems to be the stopper? Now there is a solution for your problem with the advancement in the field of orthodontics – the invisalign braces. No more ugly metallic braces and wires for people to see, no more pain torture episodes, no more funny speech problems. It is a dream come true for adults to straighten their teeth especially for those working in professional fields. Continue reading
Types of Removable Braces
Braces (which are professionally known as orthodontic appliances) are devices used by the dentist to straighten crooked teeth. There are generally 2 types of braces, fixed and removable. Usually, most of the braces users are wearing fixed braces, which are wires and brackets. However, if the severity of the crooked teeth is mild or the patient is still at a growing age, they can have removable braces. Continue reading
What happens after orthodontic braces treatment?
There is a common misconception that orthodontic braces treatment is completed once it is removed. This is not true because like any other treatment, it requires maintenance. Just as how patients would care for their braces during treatment, they still need to carry that on after treatment. In fact, patients play the most important role in caring for their teeth after orthodontic braces due to ceased visits to their orthodontists.
Retention after braces
After the completion of orthodontic braces treatment, it is essential to follow it up with orthodontic retainers to ensure longevity and stability of the results. This is because during orthodontic treatment, crooked teeth are straightened by stretching and compressing the fibres around teeth. Continue reading
What Dental Corrective Surgery Could Do For You Part 2
Continue from first part of Dental Corrective Surgery here
Dental Veneer

Before and after of dental veneer treatment @
Dental veneers are thin porcelain or resin composite material custom made to be bonded onto the surfaces  of your teeth to change their color, size, alignment, shape and length.
The front part of the tooth has to be trimmed down a little to allow the veneer to be bonded. Porcelain veneer is more aesthetic than resin composite veneer as it is stain resistant and it mimics actual tooth due to its light reflection qualities.
Who needs it?
People with
- Uneven discolored teeth
- Chipped or fractured teeth
- Crooked teeth
- Heavily filled teeth
Generally, a dental veneer costs $500 to $1500 depending on areas, materials used and complexity of cases.
Veneers are not as strong as dental crowns. You should not bite hard objects with your veneered teeth. If the porcelain veneer cracks it could only be replaced and not repaired. The color of the porcelain veneer never change, so if you plan to do teeth whitening please do so before having a dental veneer.
What Dental Corrective Surgery Could Do For You Part 1

Dental correction for better smile @
In recent days, owning a perfect face and figure are not impossible. We cannot choose to be borne beautifully but we could enhance our beauty with cosmetics, plastics surgery and dental corrective surgery. Dental plays an important role in the make over as good smile and dazzling teeth contribute immensely to a good look.
Types of Dental Corrective Surgery
Orthodontic Treatment (Braces)
Who needs it?
People having
- mal-aligned (crooked) teeth
- unfavorable smile
- difficulty in chewing or speech
- missing teeth or spaced teeth
- unable to bite with front teeth
- cleft palate and lip patients
Tooth straightening with invisible braces

Invisble braces
There are many of us, especially older teenagers and adults who are concerned with the way our teeth looked. And yet, we cannot really do much about those unsightly crooked teeth because we do not want to be seen wearing orthodontic braces at an old age. This can be said as one of the biggest factor hindering adults from seeking orthodontic treatment, simply because orthodontic braces can be more unpleasant looking than their existing crooked teeth. This has all come to a change with the development of invisible braces, also known as clear dental braces which are not only highly aesthetic, but also straightens teeth at the same time, increasing the demand for adult dental braces.

Lingual Braces
In the older days, aesthetic braces are done by fitting orthodontic metal braces on the inside surface of the teeth, facing the palate and the tongue. This is known as lingual braces. This method although is aesthetic, is not as effective compared with orthodontic braces placed on the front surface of teeth and can also be very traumatic to the tongue. Continue reading
Know Your Children Teeth As They Grow

Teeth eruption @
We have two sets of teeth. Initially, we have 20 baby teeth. Baby teeth are also known as primary teeth. These baby teeth will exfoliate and be replaced by 32 permanent teeth. There is no replacement if we lost our permanent teeth. Some people may have more or less teeth compared to the norm. This occurrence is usually genetically inherited.
Tooth eruption refers to emergence of tooth from its developmental position in the jaw to its functional position in the oral cavity. A tooth erupts when its root starts to grow. As its root becomes longer, the force pushes the tooth out of the gums. Continue reading