Monthly Archives: December 2011

Working Length Determination in Root Canal Treatment Part 1


In detail endodontic procedure primarily consists of
-         Access preparation –LA in vital
-         Pulpectomy
-         Working length X-ray
-         Biomechanical preparation (cleaning and shaping)
Chemo-mechanical preparation disinfection

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Oral Submucous Fibrosis

Oral submucous fibrosis (or OSF) is a chronic, complex, irreversible, highly potent pre-cancerous condition characterized by juxta-epithelial inflammatory reaction and progressive fibrosis of the submucosal tissues (lamina propria and deeper connective tissues). As the disease progresses, the jaws become rigid to the point that the sufferer is unable to open his mouth. The condition is linked to oral cancers and is associated with areca nut chewing, the main component of betel quid. Areca nut or betel quid chewing, a habit similar to tobacco chewing, is practiced predominately in Southeast Asia and India, dating back thousands of years. Continue reading

Clinical Diagnostic Methods Part 2


Radiograph may show the number,
and width of root canals, the presence of calcified material in the pulp chamber or root canal,
The resorption of dentin originating within the root canal (internal resorption) or from the root surface (external resorption)
Calcification or obliteration of the cavity,
Thickening of the periodontal ligament resorption of cementum,
And nature and extent of periapical and alveolar bone destruction.

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Instruments Used for Dental Extraction


As with any other dental procedures, teeth extraction required specific dental instruments to do so. Unlike our baby teeth which could be easily pulled out when they are wobbly or would naturally drop off in their due times, adult teeth are a different matter altogether. Because of their longer root length and stronger surrounding supporting tissues, adult or permanent teeth (or even baby teeth that are not loose) would require certain techniques and dental tools to remove them. Continue reading

Oral cancer

An example of an oral cancer-squamous cell carcinoma


Oral or mouth cancers are any tumours that grows anywhere in the mouth. They are often associated with tobacco use. It is a condition of concern because some oral cancers are fatal if not detected and treated early, such as squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), which is due to uncontrolled proliferation of the squamous cells. Almost all oral cancers begin in the flat cells (squamous cell) that cover the surfaces of the mouth, tongue, and lips.

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Bald tongue

A smooth tongue is also known as Atrophic glossitis, bald tongue or Moeller glossitis. ‘Atrophic glossitis‘ is a condition where one’s tongue turns a different shade of color, swelling in the process. The inflammation is brought on due to many factors, which we will look into later. Small protruding vertical structures, called papillae, are not present anymore, giving the tongue a smooth and bald look. Due to this problem, one can have difficulty eating, and taking in air, as this starts to block one’s airway. We find out what is behind this problem, and how it can be treated upon examination. Continue reading

Care of Mouth After Tooth Extraction


Teeth extractions are usually done to relieve dental pain or remove loose teeth. However even though your initial problem is solved, you have to take care of the tooth socket which the tooth was extracted or further complications may follow.

Post-operative care instructions would normally be provided by the dentist, in which you will have to follow. If there are any complications after your tooth extraction, always consult your dentist. Do not wait till the problem worsen. Continue reading