Tag Archives: Trismus

Oral Submucous Fibrosis

Oral submucous fibrosis (or OSF) is a chronic, complex, irreversible, highly potent pre-cancerous condition characterized by juxta-epithelial inflammatory reaction and progressive fibrosis of the submucosal tissues (lamina propria and deeper connective tissues). As the disease progresses, the jaws become rigid to the point that the sufferer is unable to open his mouth. The condition is linked to oral cancers and is associated with areca nut chewing, the main component of betel quid. Areca nut or betel quid chewing, a habit similar to tobacco chewing, is practiced predominately in Southeast Asia and India, dating back thousands of years. Continue reading

Complications of Injections (Part 1)


An “anesthetic complication” may be defined as any deviation from the normally expected pattern during or after the securing of regional analgesia.

Can be divided into 2 groups:


Those attributed to solutions used e.g. toxicity, idiosyncrasy, allergy, anaphylactoid reactions, infection caused by contaminated solutions, local irritation or tissue reaction

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Those attributed to insertion of needle e.g. syncope, muscle trismus, pain or hyperalgesia, edema, infections, broken needles, hematoma, sloughing etc.

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10 Steps to Painless Wisdom Teeth Removal

Have you ever experience terrible toothache especially coming from your wisdom teeth? Getting sleepless nights due to the pain? The soreness that made you lose your appetite and you do not wish to talk. You are having bad mood swings and your daily work got disrupted all because of the little tooth from the back of your mouth? These are all the warning signs to visit your dentist right away and get the tooth removed!


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Post tooth extraction complications

edemaFacial Edema (swelling)

Many surgical dental extractions results in extraction complications like facial edema or facial swelling after surgery. Routine extractions of a single tooth will probably result in swelling that the patient can see, whereas the tooth extraction of multiple impacted teeth with the reflections of soft tissue and removal of jaw bone may result in moderately large  amounts of facial swelling. The facial swelling usually reaches its maximum size 24 to 48 hours after the surgical extraction procedure. The facial swelling begins to subside on the third or fourth day and is usually gone by the end of the first week. Increased swelling after the third day may indicate jaw infection at the surgical tooth extraction site. Continue reading