Tag Archives: dental braces

Getting Adult Braces

© arigoorthodontics.com

There has been an increase in adults seeking orthodontic treatment over the recent years and it can be due to various reasons that include:

  • Improved dental awareness with the advent of preventive dentistry and teeth are retained longer in the mouth.
  • The issue of esthetic concern has reduced due to the introduction of ceramic and lingual brackets.
  • Orthodontics or the wearing of teeth braces is now socially acceptable and can be a sign of affluence.
  • Recommended by general dentists for restorative and periodontal care.
  • Insurance and claims for dental treatment in some countries. Continue reading

Can Invisalign Fix Buck Teeth?

Buck teeth

Everyone yearns for perfect teeth but not all of us are blessed with good-looking teeth and there can be many thing wrong with our teeth. One such problem is buck teeth. Any disturbance in the alignment of teeth is corrected by orthodontic treatment which includes Invisalign, a teeth straightening alternative to traditional dental braces which is becoming popular due to its transparent orthodontic trays. Commonly used to correct minor to moderate disturbances in our bite, can Invisalign fix buck teeth? Continue reading

How does Invisalign Work?

© Smith Family Dental

There are many orthodontic appliances available to correct crooked or crowded teeth – from traditional metal braces to clear aligners. Invisalign is a type of clear aligner therapy which is becoming popular due to its transparent orthodontic trays.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a teeth straightening alternative to traditional dental braces which uses a series of clear plastic removable orthodontic trays called aligners. The trays are custom made according to your dental needs and can be provided by trained orthodontists and dentists. Continue reading

What is Ligature Wire for Adult Braces?

© http://veneerstooth.net

As dental awareness is growing and adult with braces are becoming more socially accepted, an increasing number of adults are seeking orthodontic treatment.

Fixed orthodontic appliances (or commonly known as dental braces) include orthodontic devices, which have attachments that are fixed on to the tooth surface and forces are exerted via these attachments using archwires and or other auxiliaries (assisting devices) such as ligature wire. Dental braces are thus capable of a greater range of movements than is possible with a removable orthodontic appliance. The fixed appliance cannot and should not be adjusted or removed by the wearer.

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Why do you need Rubber Bands for Braces?

From the beginning, rubber bands were used in orthodontics to transmit force from the upper arch to the lower. These are termed inter-arch elastics. Dental braces work well with rubber bands as rubber bands help with making sure that a bite can be corrected and the jaw can be put into its right place.


How do rubber bands work with dental braces?


The rubber bands will be attached to the brackets on one’s braces. This is done in that a small latex rubber band that has been given to a patient by one’s orthodontist will attach on one bracket and go vertically or diagonally down to another. Two different bands will be used with one on each side of one’s teeth. The bands will be used to help with applying tension onto one’s teeth that will go onto a bracket and creates the right amount of pressure to move teeth in directions as desired that the braces alone can’t. This tension is also sufficient to correct an overbite or an underbite in the jaw. Over time this will be used as a means of helping to get the teeth to work properly in conjunction with other parts of the jaw. Continue reading