Tag Archives: dental implants

Preprosthetic Surgery: Preparation of Mouth for Dentures Part 2

Continued from Part 1

Mylohyoid ridge reduction

© http://www.prohealthsys.com

Mylohyoid ridge is an oblique ridge on the lingual surface of the lower jaw which extends from the level of the roots of the last molar as a bony attachment for the mylohyoid muscles which form the floor of the mouth. Mylohyoid ridge reduction is needed when the gum ridge is sharp and denture pressure can cause significant pain in this area. Continue reading

Preprosthetic Surgery: Preparation of Mouth for Dentures Part 1

© mund-kiefer-gesicht-bremen.de

The prosthetic replacement of lost teeth frequently, though not necessarily, involves surgical preparation of the remaining soft tissues in the mouth. The aim is to leave a satisfactory base for subsequent placement of prosthetic appliances to enable an edentulous or toothless individual to live comfortably with functioning dentures.

Ideally treatment for these procedures should be planned jointly (by a prosthodontist and oral surgeon). However many procedures of preprosthetic surgery are becoming history due to advancements made in dental science such as the introduction of dental implants. Continue reading

About Dental Implants Part 2

Continued from Part 1

Components of implants

© http://www.orofacialsurgery.com.sg


Implant is the endosteal (within bone) material that is placed within the bone during stage 1 dental implant surgery. It is either titanium or titanium alloy, with or without hydroxyapatite coating. Continue reading

About Dental Implants Part 1

© freedentalimplantsguide.blogspot.com

Dental implants are now increasingly used to attach crowns, bridges or dentures by anchorage to bone. Despite its benefits, placement of implants requires careful patient selection and treatment planning to ensure long-term success of implants. Continue reading

Dental care for osteogenesis imperfecta patients Part 3

Other Treatments

Dental implant

Dental Implants are used to replace missing teeth. Theoretically it is possible to do this successfully for a person with OI and there is anecdotal evidence that this has been accomplished. However, there are no controlled studies on the use of dental implants in people with OI and only a few case reports in the literature. The high failure, reported to be 50 per cent within 3 years of surgery is a concern.

Dental implants are somewhat like screws. In order to function, there must be enough bone in the jaw for the implant to be securely placed. After healing, a “post” is placed in the implant and an artificial tooth is attached. Good, strong healing around the implant is critical. Continue reading

Dental Implant Maintenance

© mynetroots.com

After spending tons of money on your dental implant procedure, surely you would want your investment to last. Though it make look and feel like a real tooth, dental implant maintenance is required to ensure your dental implants stay in top-notch condition for a very long time. Continue reading

How to Clean Ceramic Teeth

The process of using ceramic materials to replace or repair teeth is not new. According to the Indiana University School of Dentistry, the first porcelain denture tooth was introduced in 1789. Of the materials used today for tooth restoration, ceramic porcelain comes closest to duplicating the color and translucency of natural teeth. Ceramic teeth are, however, more expensive than other materials and can add up to a major investment. Protect your investment and help your ceramic teeth last longer by cleaning them properly. Continue reading

How Long Do Dental Bridges Last?

© westsomervilledental.com

The common question one would ask a dentist after a dental restoration would be, ‘How long would this last?’ Dental restorations do not come cheap therefore many would want to be reassured that their money is well invested in something that would, desirably, last a lifetime. However, nothing is permanent. Continue reading

Types of Dental Implants

There are many implants available, each designed for a specific function. Dental implant types can be categorized in different ways:

  • By the type of connection on top of the head of the implant- internal/external hexagon, octagon, etc.
  • By size- Wide, standard or narrow dental implants, Continue reading