Hilary Clinton's yellow teeth
As we become older, you might start to notice that you teeth start to become more yellow. You may feel self conscious and want to get rid of your yellow teeth, hence looking into many different ways to brighten or whiten your smile by getting rid of your yellow teeth. Teeth whitening are common cosmetic dental procedures with a large selection of methods such as home teeth whitening and laser teeth whitening via the popular Zoom teeth whitening system, making it highly accessible to the public.
Causes of yellow teeth and tooth discoloration
Before embarking on the journey to whiten your teeth, it is helpful to know what may be the causes behind your yellow teeth. With age, our teeth get worn out with function due to all the chewing and grinding that we put it through. This leads to the thinning of enamel, which is the hard protective layer of your teeth that gives it the white appearance. The wearing down of enamel causes it to lose its opacity and becomes more translucent. This allows the underlying dentine, which is yellow in color to show through, resulting to naturally yellow teeth. But this is not tooth staining per se, as it is a natural process. A way in which the wearing dentition can produce ‘true staining’ is when stains get incorporated into the fine crack or craze lines on our teeth, making it difficult to remove with conventional tooth brushing. Continue reading