The high level of stability gained from the types of implants placed in retromolar or midpalatal regions is derived largely from the fact that the implants are osseointegrated. Initial concerns about disruption of osseointegration by orthodontic loading were proven to be unfounded by several studies. Continue reading
Tag Archives: orthodontic treatment
Getting Adult Braces
There has been an increase in adults seeking orthodontic treatment over the recent years and it can be due to various reasons that include:
- Improved dental awareness with the advent of preventive dentistry and teeth are retained longer in the mouth.
- The issue of esthetic concern has reduced due to the introduction of ceramic and lingual brackets.
- Orthodontics or the wearing of teeth braces is now socially acceptable and can be a sign of affluence.
- Recommended by general dentists for restorative and periodontal care.
- Insurance and claims for dental treatment in some countries. Continue reading
Compensating and Balancing Extractions
When a practitioner is faced with enforced extraction of a primary tooth it is often a dilemma whether to merely remove the unsaveable tooth , to extract a contralateral tooth from the same arch (balance), or to extract a tooth from the opposing arch (compensation). The following guidelines are intended to assist in making such a decision and to minimise the effect of space loss on the developing dentition. There have been no properly controlled prospective randomised studies into the consequences of early loss of primary teeth, probably due to the difficulty of recruiting subjects for such studies and the need to follow them for up to 10 years. The recommendations given are therefore based partly upon current clinical opinion, although this is supported where possible by the best available research data. There is a need for more research in the area. Continue reading
The Extra Tooth!
Did you ever wonder why do you find some children with a small extra tooth in between their permanent incisors?
This small little tooth is called Supernumerary Tooth.
A Supernumerary Tooth is one that is additional to the normal series and can be found in almost any region of the dental arch. Most supernumerary teeth are located in the upper incisors region commonly known as mesiodens. Their presence may give rise to a variety of clinical problems in the future for children.
What is Ligature Wire for Adult Braces?
As dental awareness is growing and adult with braces are becoming more socially accepted, an increasing number of adults are seeking orthodontic treatment.
Fixed orthodontic appliances (or commonly known as dental braces) include orthodontic devices, which have attachments that are fixed on to the tooth surface and forces are exerted via these attachments using archwires and or other auxiliaries (assisting devices) such as ligature wire. Dental braces are thus capable of a greater range of movements than is possible with a removable orthodontic appliance. The fixed appliance cannot and should not be adjusted or removed by the wearer.
Foods you should avoid eating while wearing braces
Braces are fixed orthodontic appliance which is used to straighten your teeth, providing you a better smile and confidence.While wearing the appliance, you should avoid certain types of  foods which will stick between the wires and make it difficult to keep your mouth clean. These foods can also damage the braces. While wearing the orthodontic appliance, you should constantly clean your teeth and braces using the appropriate brushing method and instruments. Continue reading
Thumb Sucking and Development of Teeth
Suckling vs. sucking
Suckling is a normal physiological reflex in infants, which consists of small nibbling movements of the lips. The movements stimulate the smooth muscles surrounding the milk ducts of the lactating mother to contract and squirt milk into the infant’s mouth. When the milk is squirted into the mouth, it is only necessary for the infant to groove the tongue to allow the milk to flow back into the throat. The tongue, however, must be placed front to contact with the lower lip, so that the milk is in fact deposited on the tongue. The tongue-to-lip apposition is so common that it is usually adopted at rest, and it is frequently possible to gently move the infant’s lower lip and notice that the tongue tip moves with it, almost as if they were glued together. The suckling reflex normally disappears during the first year of life.
Nearly all modern infants engage in some sort of habitual non-nutritive sucking– thumb- or finger-sucking or sucking of a similarly shaped object. A vast majority do so during the period from 6 months to 2 years or later. Continue reading
Types of Removable Braces
Braces (which are professionally known as orthodontic appliances) are devices used by the dentist to straighten crooked teeth. There are generally 2 types of braces, fixed and removable. Usually, most of the braces users are wearing fixed braces, which are wires and brackets. However, if the severity of the crooked teeth is mild or the patient is still at a growing age, they can have removable braces. Continue reading
Cheap orthodontics: Is it possible?
Dental braces or orthodontic braces used to be shunned by people as being geeky or nerdy but nowadays, with better awareness of the benefits of having orthodontics that help improve our appearances and self-esteem, wearing braces seems to be a norm and some might even say fashionable. Generally speaking, putting on orthodontic braces can get pretty expensive and many are avoiding it due to the cost however cheap orthodontics may be possible – it just depends on your treatment planning. Continue reading
What Dental Corrective Surgery Could Do For You Part 1

Dental correction for better smile @
In recent days, owning a perfect face and figure are not impossible. We cannot choose to be borne beautifully but we could enhance our beauty with cosmetics, plastics surgery and dental corrective surgery. Dental plays an important role in the make over as good smile and dazzling teeth contribute immensely to a good look.
Types of Dental Corrective Surgery
Orthodontic Treatment (Braces)
Who needs it?
People having
- mal-aligned (crooked) teeth
- unfavorable smile
- difficulty in chewing or speech
- missing teeth or spaced teeth
- unable to bite with front teeth
- cleft palate and lip patients