Tag Archives: bleeding gums

Dental management of leukemia patients


What is leukemia?

Leukemia is a type of blood cancer whereby there is an abnormal increase of immature/ primitive white blood cells. White blood cells function by producing antibodies to fight off infection from our body.  Leukemia patients are more prone to infections as their abnormal white blood cells cannot produce antibodies. Continue reading

Flossing Basics Part 1

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The American Dental Association advises that flossing your teeth thoroughly be done once or more per day. Overly vigorous or incorrect teeth flossing can result in damage to the gum tissues therefore this article will provide some basics on flossing. Continue reading

What Is Flossing?

© readersdigest.com.au

Your dentist or other dental professionals usually tends to advise you to floss your teeth after every meal or before you go to bed. Some may ponder on the purpose of dental flossing or some may even not have the slightest clue what floss is to begin with. Continue reading

What Is the Reason for Root Canal Treatment on Teeth?

Root canal treatment (RCT) is a procedure whereby the pulp of the tooth is extirpated, and filled with suitable filling materials to replace the pulp. It is also known as endodontic therapy, and the sole purpose for endodontic therapy is to remove all the inflamed and necrotic tissues in the pulp, as well as the bacterial component, making the pulp and the root canals of the tooth as clean as possible. Continue reading

What is Deep Gum and Root Cleaning?

Deep gum cleaning consists of scaling and root planing. Gum disease (gingivitis) if untreated can progress to more

deep cleaning

serious periodontal disease (bacterial/viral proliferation which overwhelms the host immune response) causing destruction of the supporting tissues of the teeth and bone loss which are irreversible in nature. A periodontal pocket forms and harbors bacteria in large amounts. Deep scaling and root planning are the therapeutic procedures performed to heal your gums by removing the disease causing toxins. Scaling is the process of removing dental tartar from the teeth surfaces while root planning involves removing infected tooth structure (dentin and cementum) and smoothing the rough root surfaces of the teeth. The goal of active therapy is to remove as much subgingival debris as possible and disrupt/ the bacterial proliferation. Continue reading

How to Identify Symptoms of Trench Mouth

What is Trench Mouth?

Trench mouth is also known as Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis (ANUG) or Vincent’s infection. It is an acute


 necrotizing inflammatory disease produced by endogenous infection where systemic changes, predispose the gingiva to invasion by bacteria. A recurring periodontal disease which results in necrosis and ulceration of the gums. It is a communicable infection of the respiratory tract and mouth extending to the tongue, palate, throat and pharynx. ANUG is a mixed bacterial infection with predominant groups of anaerobic bacteria, the fusiform, spirochetes and treponema. They present in large numbers in slough and necrotic tissue at surface of the ulcer and invade a small distance into underlying connective tissue, releasing toxins and enzymes. Trench mouth is a serious oral disease which causes severe pain and major discomfort. Inability to carry out good oral hygiene and poor nutritional status are the contributing factors of trench mouth. Other causes include smoking, increased physical and emotional stress, age, poverty and infections like HIV, AIDS and measles, malignant tumors and acute leukemia.

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Home Cures for Pyria of the Gums

Pyria of the gums means bleeding of the gums, which does not occur in healthy gums. Bleeding of the gums can happen spontaneously, or after slight provokation, like after brushing the teeth. This usually occurs when there is inflammation of the gums, as the blood vessels beneath the gums will dilate and can rupture more easily. This is a serious indication that there is something wrong with your teeth, and should be seen by the dentist as soon as possible. Continue reading

Homeopathic Remedies for Gingivitis

What is gingivitis?

Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gum tissue. It  most commonly occurs in response to bacterial biofilms on the tooth surface, also called plaque. Therefore this form of gingivitis is termed ‘plaque induced gingivitis’. Gingivitis can also occur due to other causes such as hormonal change (eg.pregnancy), systemic diseases (eg. diabetes) and blood dyscrasias. If gingivitis is not treated at the early stage, it may progress to periodontitis, a destructive form of periodontal disease which is characterised by bone loss, pocketing and gum recession. Continue reading

How to Recognize Gingivitis Symptoms

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A major cause of tooth loss in adults is periodontal disease. The term gum disease or periodontal disease includes both gingivitis and periodontitis, and it affects the periodontium which consists of the tissue that surrounds and supports the teeth. However with early detection and treatment of the disease, it is now possible for most people to keep their teeth for a lifetime. Continue reading