Tag Archives: tooth wear

Causes of Sensitive Teeth

Are you suffering from sensitive teeth?

Tooth sensitivity or known as dentin hypersensitivity is short or transient sharp pain of a rapid onset that arises from exposed dentin layer of one or more teeth subsequent to loss of tooth structure (enamel layer of the crown or cementum layer of the root). It usually occurs in response to stimuli—typically cold, air pressure, drying, sugar, acids, chemicals or forces acting onto the tooth—and cannot be ascribed to any other dental defects or pathology. These stimuli are non-noxious, and are not generally expected to generate a pain response, except as seen in sensitive teeth. In contrast, a noxious stimulus would be the toxins of bacteria within a decay lesion leading to dentinal pain. Areas of exposed dentin at the junction between the crown and the root (cervical area) account for much of the observed tooth sensitivity. Continue reading

Are You Brushing Your Teeth Away?

© Australian Denture Care Centre

© Australian Denture Care Centre

Toothbrush abrasion is a type of dental abrasion which is commonly seen in the mouth. It is most frequently on the junction where the teeth meet the gums (gum line or gum margins) and the root surfaces of teeth.

Toothbrush abrasion is the result of traumatic tooth brushing in a horizontal scrubbing movement rather than a vertical direction and appears as notches worn into the teeth near the gum margins which can be made worse by abrasive dentifrices. Changes can be detected anywhere in the mouth, although the upper teeth are usually more involved than the lower teeth. Continue reading

How Your Daily Habits Can Hurt Your Teeth

Tooth wear © Medscape

Tooth wear © Medscape

Damage to your teeth can be caused by any process that results in loss of integrity of the tooth surface. Tooth decay is a bacteria-caused form of tooth damage. The other forms of tooth damage are the result of mechanical or chemical assault to the tooth structure which may be brought about by your daily habits for example grinding in your sleep and tooth brushing. Continue reading