Tag Archives: impacted wisdom tooth

How to Stop Toothache during Pregnancy

Be A Toothache Free Mum To Be

It is a blessing to be expecting a child. Being a mum to be has to change her lifestyle and be cautious to avoid any problem that may affect the pregnancy. Unfortunately toothache seems to be a common problem among pregnant woman. Here are some tips to help you prevent and curb the problem.

Why does mum to be has toothache?

Poor dental health

It is important that you do a routine dental check up prior to your pregnancy. It is not too late to do one if you have gotten pregnant currently. Existing dental decays and gum problems always get worse because during your first trimester you tend to vomit while brushing your teeth. Because of that, some pregnant ladies tend to brush less or do not brush at all. Continue reading

Common Inflammatory Disease of the Jaw Bone

jaw boneInflammatory Disease of the Bone

Inflammation is a protective tissue response to injury or destruction of tissues, which serves to destroy, dilute, or wall off both the injurious agent and the injured tissues. The classical signs of acute inflammation are pain (dolor), heat (calor), redness (rubor), swelling (tumor), and loss of function (functio laesa). Continue reading

Wisdom Tooth Pain (Pericoronitis)

Pericoronitis © Tooth Club

Pericoronitis © Tooth Club

Ever experienced pain in the wisdom teeth area? Wisdom tooth pain or specifically known as pericoronitis, is the inflammation of the flaps of gum tissue covering a partially erupted tooth (operculum) associated particularly with the third molars (wisdom teeth).  Wisdom tooth pericoronitis may be acute (rapid onset) or chronic (of long duration) in nature. Continue reading