Tag Archives: Endodontic therapy

What is Endodontics?

What is Endodontics?

Endodontics is the diagnosis and treatment of inflamed and damaged pulps. Teeth are made up of protective hard covering (enamel, dentin and cementum) encasing a soft tissue living tissue called pulp.

Pulp c0ntains blood vessels, nerves, fibers and connective tissue. The pulp extends from the crown of the tooth to the tip of the roots where it connects to the tissues surrounding the root. The pulp is important during a tooth’s growth and developement. However, once a tooth is fully mature it can survive without the pulp, because the tooth continues to be nourished by the tissues surrounding it.

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What Is the Purpose of a Root Canal Treatment?

A root canal treatment (RCT) is a procedure whereby the pulp of the tooth is extirpated, and filled with suitable filling materials to replace the pulp. It is also known as endodontic therapy, and the sole purpose for endodontic therapy is to remove all the inflamed and necrotic tissues in the pulp, as well as the bacterial component, making the pulp and the root canals of the tooth as clean as possible. Continue reading

Alternatives to Root Canals

credits to sapphirewhitening.com

Root canal treatment can be avoided and some other alternative procedures can be done to maintain pulp vitality if:

(1)    The pulp should have symptoms of reversible pulpitis ( application of hot, cold stimulus will cause sharp pain for 10-15 seconds but resolves upon removal)

(2)    No periradicular disease is shown in radiograph ( no radiolucency/transparency  around the roots)

(3)    Tooth of interest should respond to pulp testing (to test for whether your tooth is still alive)

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Symptoms indicating when you need a Root Canal Treatment

What is Root Canal Treatment (RCT)?

Root canal treatment is the removal of inflamed and/or infected dental pulp tissue from the root canal system, shaping and filling the root canals of a diseased tooth. The key factor in the development of pulpal inflammation and breakdown of the supporting tissues of the tooth (periradicular tissues) is the presence of bacteria. These endodontal infections (infections within teeth) are usually characterized by loss of integrity of the crown, invasion by bacteria, and destruction of enamel, dentine, and eventual pulpal involvement. Dental caries,  trauma, tooth surface loss, and microleakage around tooth fillings can lead to endodontal infection. In situations where there has been periradicular breakdown, root canal treatment will result in the return of the health of the periradicular tissues. Ultimately, root canal treatment preserves teeth as functional units within the dental arch. Continue reading