Tag Archives: upper dentures

Permanent Dentures and Alternatives to Permanent Dentures

Permanent Dentures and its alternative

Permanent Dentures and its alternative

What are dentures

Dentures are removable, artificial replacements for missing teeth, to maintain oral form, restore function, appearance and health.

There are two main types of dentures:

  • Complete Dentures or Full Dentures, and
  • Partial Dentures.

For those who have lost some teeth, but don’t want to get dental implants or bridges, partial dentures are an affordable option. Partial denture can be made out of full acrylic or incorporated with cast metal framework. Acrylic partial dentures are more affordable partial dentures. Cast metal partial dentures are usually greater in cost due to laboratory procedure for metal framework. Continue reading

Regain your smile with Permanent Dentures

Dentures are acrylic based material which resembles your gum and teeth. People need dentures due to loss of tooth or teeth. If someone lost one or few teeth, partial denture is required. Full dentures are for those who lost all their teeth. Lower dentures are meant for lower jaw and upper dentures are meant for upper jaw.

From the past, dentures are solely removable. With the advancement of science and research, nowadays, people could have dental implants. That is why permanent dentures are possible.

What is a permanent denture?

With the word permanent, it simply means the denture is not removable. It is fixed to dental implants or your remaining teeth. Sometimes it is also known as fixed bridges.

How to fabricate a permanent denture?

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