Category Archives: Braces

What is Ligature Wire for Adult Braces?


As dental awareness is growing and adult with braces are becoming more socially accepted, an increasing number of adults are seeking orthodontic treatment.

Fixed orthodontic appliances (or commonly known as dental braces) include orthodontic devices, which have attachments that are fixed on to the tooth surface and forces are exerted via these attachments using archwires and or other auxiliaries (assisting devices) such as ligature wire. Dental braces are thus capable of a greater range of movements than is possible with a removable orthodontic appliance. The fixed appliance cannot and should not be adjusted or removed by the wearer.

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Foods you should avoid eating while wearing braces


Braces are fixed orthodontic appliance which is used to straighten your teeth, providing you a better smile and confidence.While wearing the appliance, you should avoid certain types of  foods which will stick between the wires and make it difficult to keep your mouth clean. These foods can also damage the braces. While wearing the orthodontic appliance, you should constantly clean your teeth and braces using the appropriate brushing method and instruments. Continue reading

Why do you need Rubber Bands for Braces?

From the beginning, rubber bands were used in orthodontics to transmit force from the upper arch to the lower. These are termed inter-arch elastics. Dental braces work well with rubber bands as rubber bands help with making sure that a bite can be corrected and the jaw can be put into its right place.


How do rubber bands work with dental braces?


The rubber bands will be attached to the brackets on one’s braces. This is done in that a small latex rubber band that has been given to a patient by one’s orthodontist will attach on one bracket and go vertically or diagonally down to another. Two different bands will be used with one on each side of one’s teeth. The bands will be used to help with applying tension onto one’s teeth that will go onto a bracket and creates the right amount of pressure to move teeth in directions as desired that the braces alone can’t. This tension is also sufficient to correct an overbite or an underbite in the jaw. Over time this will be used as a means of helping to get the teeth to work properly in conjunction with other parts of the jaw. Continue reading

Things Not to Drink with Braces

Beverages to be avoided when having braces on!!

Orthodontic treatment is common in both children and adults. They type of treatment and appliance advocated may vary from patient to patient, but majority of them treated wear fixed appliances for a certain period of time. Therefore, it is necessary to make some diet modifications to protect the braces as well as to ensure the health of the tissues in the mouth. It is wise to avoid or eliminate a list of beverages for this very reason. Continue reading

Pros and Cons of Invisalign Braces

Invisalign – The Ultimate Choice

Seeking a beautiful smile but metal braces seems to be the stopper? Now there is a solution for your problem with the advancement in the field of orthodontics – the invisalign braces. No more ugly metallic braces and wires for people to see, no more pain torture episodes, no more funny speech problems. It is a dream come true for adults to straighten their teeth especially for those working in professional fields. Continue reading

Types of Removable Braces

Braces (which are professionally known as orthodontic appliances) are devices used by the dentist to straighten crooked teeth. There are generally 2 types of braces, fixed and removable. Usually, most of the braces users are wearing fixed braces, which are wires and brackets. However, if the severity of the crooked teeth is mild or the patient is still at a growing age, they can have removable braces. Continue reading

Invisalign-Problems arising from treatment

Invisalign is a series of clear,transparent, removable devices that are used to align teeth to the desirable position. It is used as an alternative to metal dental braces due to its cosmetic value. This cutting edge dental treatment is available in the U.S and a few other countries worldwide. A full set of treatment usually includes 20 to 30 aligners per arch, though the number varies for each individual. Each aligner is designed with exact calculations  according to your teeth position to gradually shift your teeth into place. The invisalign system is custom made and each retainer is switched every two weeks. Continue reading