Monthly Archives: March 2011

What is Ligature Wire for Adult Braces?


As dental awareness is growing and adult with braces are becoming more socially accepted, an increasing number of adults are seeking orthodontic treatment.

Fixed orthodontic appliances (or commonly known as dental braces) include orthodontic devices, which have attachments that are fixed on to the tooth surface and forces are exerted via these attachments using archwires and or other auxiliaries (assisting devices) such as ligature wire. Dental braces are thus capable of a greater range of movements than is possible with a removable orthodontic appliance. The fixed appliance cannot and should not be adjusted or removed by the wearer.

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Your Guide To Preventing Cavities

Types of cavities can be classified according to the places which they occur on a tooth



Dental decay is also known as cavities, and they occur when there is dissolution of the teeth surfaces. Our teeth is made up of crystal apatite, and they are very vulnerable to acid which will dissolve them. This organic acid is produced by bacteria found inside our mouth, and they derive the acid from food debris that are left inside our mouth. The three important factors that produce dental decay are bacteria, fermentable carbohydrate, and teeth. Therefore, to prevent formation of dental decay, one of the three factors must not be present in our mouth, as without one of it, formation of the organic acid will be impossible. Continue reading

10 Tips for Whiter Teeth

Many people yearn for whiter teeth. Although going to the dentist for bleaching of your teeth is one of the solutions, there are also a few tips maintaining or getting whiter teeth by yourself. There are many causes of stained teeth. And these causes are broadly classified into extrinsic factors, and intrinsic factors. Continue reading

Home Remedies for Abscessed Tooth

An abscess is a space that contains pus. It can occur anywhere in the body, and if it occurs around the tooth, it is known as a tooth abscess. There are a few types of tooth abscess (also known as dental abscess), and they are gingival abscess, periapical abscess, and periodontal abscess. Continue reading