Monthly Archives: December 2009

HPV Oral Cancer

HPV Oral Cancer Overview

Human Pappiloma Virus (HPV)  is a virus that has been link to many types of disease. Over eighty different types of HPV have been identified. Different types of the Human Papilloma Virus are known to infect different parts of the body.For example, venereal warts affecting the genitals and and cervical cancer affecting the cervix. The virus generally produces warts on the affected areas.

Currently there is a high prevalence rate of Human Pappiloma Virus 16 and 18  found in lesions of oral cancer patients. Therefore, it can be said that this virus is directly or concurrently linked to oral cancer.The reason for this occurrence is due to frequent oro-genital (mouth to genitals)  sexual orientations. However, many other factors also contribute to the cause of oral cavity cancer. Continue reading

Tooth straightening with invisible braces

Invisble braces

Invisble braces

There are many of us, especially older teenagers and adults who are concerned with the way our teeth looked. And yet, we cannot really do much about those unsightly crooked teeth because we do not want to be seen wearing orthodontic braces at an old age. This can be said as one of the biggest factor hindering adults from seeking orthodontic treatment, simply because orthodontic braces can be more unpleasant looking than their existing crooked teeth. This has all come to a change with the development of invisible braces, also known as clear dental braces which are not only highly aesthetic, but also straightens teeth at the same time, increasing the demand for adult dental braces.

Lingual Braces

Lingual Braces

In the older days, aesthetic braces are done by fitting orthodontic metal braces on the inside surface of the teeth, facing the palate and the tongue. This is known as lingual braces. This method although is aesthetic, is not as effective compared with orthodontic braces placed on the front surface of teeth and can also be very traumatic to the tongue. Continue reading

Wisdom Tooth Pain (Pericoronitis)

Pericoronitis © Tooth Club

Pericoronitis © Tooth Club

Ever experienced pain in the wisdom teeth area? Wisdom tooth pain or specifically known as pericoronitis, is the inflammation of the flaps of gum tissue covering a partially erupted tooth (operculum) associated particularly with the third molars (wisdom teeth).  Wisdom tooth pericoronitis may be acute (rapid onset) or chronic (of long duration) in nature. Continue reading