Monthly Archives: September 2009

How to choose the best denture adhesive

seniorskissingDenture adhesives are materials used to aid in sitting of dentures inside the mouth. They come in pad, strips, cream or paste, powder , wafer and woven cloth like material. Continue reading

Causes of Sore Gums

19619Have you ever experienced having sore gums whereby your gums feel swollen or painful? Ever notice having red, white or black gums? The gums can be sore or pigmented for a number of reasons and this article is to discuss about the many factors behind it. The article will be split into parts according to common complaints for easy reading. Continue reading

Denture vs Implant

Picture taken from

Picture taken from

When we have a missing tooth or teeth, dentist would always recommend denture, implant or dental bridges to replace the missing tooth or teeth. The cheapest way would be denture followed by dental bridges. Placing an implant would be the most expensive method but has the longest longevity claimed. Continue reading

Dentures adhesive: Do you need them?

chokeThere are various advertisements nowadays that promote the benefits of using denture adhesives but the question is: do you need them? Do take note that adhesive for dentures are not meant for denture repairs, very loose or broken dentures. If your denture is in poor condition, it is best to check with your dentist whether you need an adhesive or an adjustment (reline/rebase) for your denture.

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